Disciple II Bible Study - Genesis/ Exodus 2025

Led by The Rev. Dr. Anne Hébert


The class is for anyone who has completed Disciple I. Disciple II will cover Genesis and Exodus. (Next winter/spring, we’ll cover Luke and Acts.) It will take place online on Thursdays from 2:00 to 4:00. Disciple II goes into more detail about these two fundamental books of the Pentateuch. There is less reading than Disciple I, which you may be glad to hear! It will be in a similar format and will require the purchase of a manual. ( $25.00 and Adult Ed will cover the balance of the cost). The class begins Thursday, January 30th, and goes through May 22nd (except for Holy Week.)

Enter your name, phone number and email to sign up.


Led by The Rev. Dr. Anne Hébert